
The .ACADEMY domain is ideal for any school or educational institution that is identified as an academy. It is also an excellent choice for students, teachers and scientific advisors.


Universities, private schools, tutoring services and any other organizations that position themselves as an academy can use the .ACADEMY domain extension.


.ACADEMY domains can also be used for platforms on which training materials are sold.


Teachers and students can use the .ACADEMY to create beautiful and unique websites that focus on everything they need for education and training.

Site availability is an important aspect of the organization providing medical services. . HOSPITAL suitable domain space for medical institutions of any type.


Hospitals, volunteer programs and other institutions that provide medical services can register a domain using the .HOSPITAL domain extension. Volunteer programs can attract new members and exchange updates through their own website.


Hospital is a useful keyword and will help users find your website on time and seek medical help.



Offer dental services with .DENTAL


Many patients go online to explore dental treatment options and find a new dental clinic. The .DENTAL domain name helps you to create a recognizable web address for your website that will let patients easily find it.


Dentists, dental equipment suppliers, medicines, dental centers and any other individuals or organizations related to the field of dentistry can register domain names in the .DENTAL zone.

Virtual world has no borders!


.INTERNATIONAL is great for any business or organization that operates internationally. This domain name can be registered for almost any website of any business, especially if your website’s audience is from different countries.

Companies that want to create a new site for international customers can register .INTERNATIONAL as a subdomain and advertise global offers to visitors from around the world.

Create an online .COMMUNITY!


Today, the internet brings together many people around the world. Each person is a part of a community, whether is a city, country, family, religion, profession, or group of people with common interests. .COMMUNITY can be relevant and useful for the site of almost any community and will help its representatives to find like-minded people on the internet.

.COMMUNITY is the place where you can unite users who share common interests and goals.


Who is .COMMUNITY for?


Social groups

Online forums

Hobby Circles

Fan clubs

SSL Certificates enable data encryption on the internet and allow data to be transmitted securely from a web server to a browser. With SSL, your website can use the https protocol and will display a padlock in end users web browsers to indicate the connection is secure.

SSL Certificates are an essential part of the internet. They not only encrypt communication between your computer and the server where a website is located, but they also provide verification that a site is what it claims to be.

There are 3 different levels of vetting that SSL Certificates are based upon. Domain Validated (DV) , Organization Validated (OV), and Extended Validation (EV). The major difference between the types of certificate relates to the information the Certificate Authority, RapidSSL, GeoTrust and Symantec, requires and validates in order to issue a certificate. The higher levels of certificate require more information, and often is displayed in the browser bar. EV SSL for example turns the browser bar green and displays the organization name to visitors to generate more trust.


A Wildcard SSL certificate provides the same encryption and authentication features as other SSL certificates but can also be applied to an unlimited number of subdomains of a website. A Wildcard SSL certificate supports the root domain (example.com) as well as its subdomains. Learn more

EV, or Extended Validation, is the highest class of SSL available today and gives more credibility and trust to your website than other SSL Certificates. They include features such as the green address bar and display of your company name that have been proven to boost trust and consumer confidence.

EV, or Extended Validation, is the highest class of SSL available today and gives more credibility and trust to your website than other SSL Certificates. They include features such as the green address bar and display of your company name that have been proven to boost trust and consumer confidence.

A business email is an email address that matches the domain name of your site or business. It is an email address that ends in @yourbusiness or @yourdomainname, plus your top-level-domain (e.g. .com) rather than relying on a standard Gmail address.

Your company business email account can have as many email inboxes and email addresses as you need. Every employee, department, and service that your work requires can have their own custom business email accounts that end in @yourdomain.


If you're doing business over email, it's critical to establish trust. Anyone can create a free email account and claim to be a business. A custom email address branded with your domain will separate you from the spammers and scammers of the world.

You can create a custom email without a site, but in order to use Titan you will need to own the domain (example: johnsmith.com.) If you don’t have a domain yet, you can get one from hostimul.com while signing up for a business email.

Yes. Titan comes with built-in migration tools to help you easily move existing email data to your Titan account. If you run into trouble with the migration at any point, Titan’s dedicated support staff is available 24/7 to help you out.

Yes. In addition to being accessible on all major web browsers, Titan has native apps for Android and iOS devices.

Titan's Support Team is available 24/7 via email or live chat to answer your questions and provide any help needed.

Yes. Titan comes with advanced anti-spam, where all inbound email messages pass through a spam filter before reaching your inbox. Using Titan will dramatically reduce junk mail and vulnerability to viruses.

Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. It involves storing your website files and data on a server that is connected to the internet, so that anyone can access it by typing in your website's domain name or URL into their web browser. When you purchase a hosting plan, you are renting space on a physical server to store all the website’s files and data.

Shared web hosting is a type of web hosting service where multiple domains are hosted by the same server, which means that the server’s capabilities are split between multiple domains. Shared web hosting is usually the most affordable type of web hosting, as the cost of the server and its maintenance is divided among multiple users. Because of its simplicity and affordability, shared web hosting is an excellent solution for small businesses and personal.

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