How to manage posts in WordPress?


Adding a New Post


Go to WordPress Dashboard.

In the left side menu hover over Posts and click Add New in the sub-menu:



On the new opened page, click the '+' button in the top left corner of the screen. You will see a drop-menu menu of blocks:



You will be offered the Most Used block options. When you select any of these blocks, will appear an individual block menu for this block. The block menu can be used to format that block's settings.


Managing Your Posts


After creating a post, you can manage and customize them. You can find these options under the Posts tab on the left side menu: 



All Posts. This option let's you see all the posts created on the WordPress website. Here you can find a quick outline and lists each post title, author, a category it has been assigned to, tags, comments, and date it was published or last modified. 

Categories. This option allows to categorize your posts choosing the category name, customize URL apperiance, and even create parent categories. 

Tags.Tags option can help to focus in on a specific topic, unlike categories which could have an extensive range of topics and items. An example would be you have a category for Food. You could then tag a post with 'Fast food' and 'Mexican' as tags to further outline the contents of the post.

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