How to create an email account?

Create an Email Account


To create a new email account in cPanel:


  1. Go to the Mail section of cPanel and click Email Accounts.



2. Click the Create button.



3. In the Email field, type the first part of the email address.

4. In the adjacent drop-down menu after @, select the appropriate domain to associate with the email.

5. For Password, enter a password for the email address. This will be useful later when you set up Outlook or enter the email account via webmail.

6. In the Password (again) field, enter the password again.

7. For Storage Space, write the amount you need.

8. Click Create Account.



Your new email account will appear in the table below the email account creation form.


Remove an Email Account


To delete an email account:


  1. Go to the Mail section of cPanel and click Email Accounts.
  2. In the table below the email account creation form, next to the email account you'd like removed, click Delete.



The email account and the emails within the account will be permanently deleted.

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