How to Change Your WordPress URL using phpMyAdmin?

In this article you will learn how to change the URL for a WordPress site. This might be necessary, for example, to migrate an existing WordPress site to a new domain. Alternatively, for test a WordPress installation using a temporary URL.


Changing WordPress URL


1. Log in to cPanel.

2. In the Databases section, click phpMyAdmin:



3. In the left-hand pane of phpMyAdmin, click the WordPress database. A list of tables in the database appears:



Note: Typically, the WordPress database is username_wpXXX or username_a2wpXXX, where username represents your cPanel username, and XXX is a three-digit number.


4. Under the Table heading, click the wp_options table. A list of data rows appears:



5. Under the option_name heading, locate siteurl, and then click Edit:



6. In the option_value text box, replace the current URL with the new URL that you want to use.


•             Please, ensure that you type the correct URL, or your WordPress installation will be inaccessible.

•             Please, ensure that the URL begins with http://.

•             Please, ensure that the URL does not end with a forward slash (/).




7. Click Go. phpMyAdmin saves the changes in the table.

8. Under the option_name heading, locate home, and then click Edit:



9. In the option_value text box, replace the current URL with the new URL that you want to use.

10. Click Go. phpMyAdmin saves the changes in the table. WordPress should now function correctly using the new URL.

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